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STEM Education

STEM education is available daily to all of our K-5 students. Our program intentionally integrates the content and processes of science and mathematics with the content and processes of technology and engineering. Our teachers coach students using guided and open inquiry methods that allow for student designed and selected procedures.

Our inquiry and project-based approaches guide students to question and solve problems that affect the world that they live in. Students begin to think critically, collaborate, make connections, and apply the knowledge they have acquired. This structure empowers students to take control of their learning. 

Sensory Rooms

At Bryant, we have two sensory rooms. Students use these rooms to burn off excess energy and do heavy work with their muscles. Students and staff work together to select up to four activities that will help students to regulate themselves before returning to class. These rooms are equipped with floor scooters, a treadmill, punching bag, weighted balls, tunnels, stability balls, barrel, and bean bag chairs. When students are needing sensory input in the form of vibrations, they can sit in the rockers or ball pit. The ball pit also works for students who need to feel covered or need to hide. One of our sensory rooms has an amazing T-Wall. The T-Wall is a light up wall that has several games that students can play by themselves or with another person. It also has a setting for shorter or taller players. All of our Hornets love playing the T-Wall.

Economic Incentive Program

Our students are on a school-wide ecomomic incentive program. Each day students earn money for showing good character and meeting behavior expectations. This money in added to their classroom ETM machines. On Fridays, students take their ETM cards to purchas items at our school store, The Hornet Corner.